Tagged for Liebster award

Thank you bschool admit for tagging me for the Liebster award 🙂

Unfortunately I wouldn’t know how to pick 10 bloggers that haven’t been picked before.

But since I really like her questions, here’s my shot

1. If you are a magician – what is the first trick that you would do? – Like Accio Brownies?

Make it rain confetti, followed by automatic floor cleaning

2. You got the admit to your dream school – The email just came, what would you do? Jump up and down, thank somebody, breathe or panic?

Do my little victory dance, jump around as much as my swollen belly will allow and shout to my husband ” I love you, now it’s yooouuuuuurr turn to go job hunting !”

3. You are at the peak of Mt. Everest, How would you feel?

It’s cold and I can’t breathe

4. What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about money?

Holidays and handbags

5. If you weren’t afraid, what would you do?

Relocate abroad with my family and try a new adventure.
Gain new skills to have a greater impact on tomorrow’s society.
Ignore people who keep on telling me I already have the perfect life, for conformism is the enemy of progress.

6. If I give you a million dollars, what would you do with it?

Pay for business school, and take those two years to think about how to spend and invest the remaining amount wisely.

7. Imagine, the whole application season is over. All the hard work has paid off, where would you head off -(holiday destination)?

When the application season is over, I will probably be taking care of my newborn.
So no traveling for me this time around, except for a thalassatherapy maybe…

8. If you were a brand, what would be your tag line?

“import issues, export enthusiasm”

9. Brownie or cookie?

Both, but with a cup of tea (Mariage frères, or Pierre Hermé preferably)

10. If you had a chance to go back 16 year old self, what would you have told him/her?

Life will keep on getting better every year